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Free e-book from Wisebread helps you save on fuel

Fuel is expensive, and that’s not going to change. Oil is running out (and the use of it contributes to global warming) so it makes sense to practice moderation when you use it. And that doesn’t mean giving up having a car altogether (although that would have a bigger impact on reducing your carbon footprint). What we’re talking about here is minimising fuel use while still retaining the convenience of using your car.

In the e-book, entitled 108 tips to raise your fuel economy, tips are categorised into simple and effective Top Tips, Advanced Techniques and Dangerous tips that you’ll be better off avoiding, but make interesting reading none the less. Wisebread also warns that some of the tips are illegal in some places, so be sure to study the highway code before setting out.

To get the free e-book, you will need to subscribe to the Wisebread RSS feed. You’ll then be able to download the e-book from the link at the bottom of each Wisebread post that you find in your feed reader. Wisebread is a great blog with some excellent tips on saving money and living frugally.