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Tracey Smith: Eco-Hero

The ITV Eco-Hero Awards have confirmed that Tracey Smith is on the shortlist of five Eco-Heroes nominated for this award.

40 year old Londoner, Tracey, took a long look at life in 2002 and decided to follow a slower pace. She is now a stay-at-home-mother, kitchen gardener, writer and broadcaster, and founder of National Downshifting Week.

The ITV Eco-Hero Awards are an initiative by the ITV National News to honour our green friends who are doing so much to help change people’s perspectives on the world. Well done Tracey, we are proud of you.

A short film produced by Tracey Smith and ITV’s Mark Austin will be aired on Monday or Tuesday this week on the ITV News at 10.30pm.

National Downshifting Week

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