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Home > Recycling > 3 groovy recycling ideas for old-style incandescent light bulbs

3 groovy recycling ideas for old-style incandescent light bulbs

Switching to low energy bulbs is the right thing to do. It saves energy and it saves money on electricity. The tricky thing is, what to do with the old light bulbs that you’ve removed. It seems terribly wasteful to be throwing working light bulbs into the bin. Why throw anything in the bin if it could be reused to make something attractive for your home? Here are some great ideas for craft projects using your old light bulbs.

1. Bulbs Unlimited light object kits – These kits contain everything you need to build beautiful objects out of old light bulbs. The clever system allows you to snap the light bulbs together in almost any shape you could imagine. Kits start from Euros 39,95. Pictured above is one of the Bulbs Unlimited creations. (via Hippyshopper)

2. Make Christmas/Yule etc. decorations – There are some great ideas on the internet to make decorations out of old light bulbs. Here are a few: angel, snowman, Father Christmas/Santa, or my favourite, the Grinch.

3. Recycle bulbs into beautiful vasesesprit cabane shows how to make an old light bulb into a very stylish hanging vase for a single bloom. And Crafty Bits uses a similar idea to make a multiple-bulb window vase.