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The Environment and Business

Asda recycles

Wal-Mart subsidiary Asda has stopped sending non-hazardous waste to landfill from its distribution centre in Dartford, Kent. The centre is recycling and composting all of it’s material, “down to the chicken fat in the canteen” after signing up to a… Read More »Asda recycles

Latest green league table for supermarkets

The National Consumer Council has published a consumer-focused environmental rating for British supermarkets. In it the council puts the top eight supermarkets to the test on four green indicators: seasonal food, organics, sustainable sourcing and cutting waste. Improvements have been seen in some areas, but all of the supermarkets are still falling short of expectations.

Waitrose came top of the “green” table, with Sainsbury’s being the highest ranking of the “big four”.

‘We all need to understand that food is the typical household’s number one contributor to climate change. By throwing away ten billion carrier bags each year and transporting carrots from Egypt and strawberries from New Zealand, we hit the environment hard. But shoppers are increasingly keen to do their bit. Now, we make it clear how supermarkets could make greener choices easier for everybody.’
NCC Chairman, Lord Whitty

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U.S. power plants to control mercury emissions

The push is on to find a technology that will reduce mercury emissions 90% by 2015 in the state of Michigan – a regulation more stringent than the national standard, which calls for a 70% reduction. They’re hoping a big part of the solution will be Toxecon, a new sysem designed to keep gaseous mercury from escaping wth the rest of the power plant pollutants. While there are still bugs to be worked out, researchers are optomistic about the technology.

Toxecon injects activated, powdery carbon into the superheated gas from coal incineration. The carbon absorbs the mercury and flows into a newly constructed building called a “bag house,” where it’s trapped inside the network of fabric bags.

As a bonus, designers hope the process also will remove up to 70 percent of the sulfur dioxide and 30 percent of the nitrogen oxide from the gas, along with the 1 percent of fly ash from coal combustion that isn’t captured earlier.

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Eco-friendly business opportunity for stay-at-home-parents

Forget Tupperware parties, stay-at-home-mothers are getting involved in selling a product that saves fuel and lowers vehicle emissions as a new home-based business. Tania-Maria Xavier is a stay-at-home-mom and one of the area managers at EcoEnergizer™‘s business distributorship team in the US. She is offering a new business opportunity to other parents.

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