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Support free eco-WiFi in New York City’s green spaces

WiFi-NY, an enterprising private member supported Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP), wants to make their wireless service available free to use in in New York City’s parks and green spaces. They have launched a project called GREENlined for WiFi!* to fulfill a commitment to build a city-wide “Citizen Stakeholder” high-speed wireless network across the rooftops of NYC, powered by wind turbines and solar panels. To raise the funds to push the project forward WiFi-NY are not turning to banks or venture capitalists, but rather to the people of New York, enabling them to gain empowerment through taking stake in the network that they use by buying a PixelAd on the GREENlined for WiFi!* site. 10×10 pixel blocks are selling for US$25 per annum.

Source: Hugg