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Rethinking retreads

Our family car needs new back tyres and the quote from our local tyre dealership for a set of two run-of-the-mill type tyres was surprisingly expensive. My husband labours under the impression that retreads are of inferior quality and for… Read More »Rethinking retreads

Tetra Pak talks about recycling

It wasn’t good news for the environment when the only reprocessing plant dedicated to the recycling of Tetra Pak cartons in the UK was closed down this summer. But things are looking up as Tetra Pak moves into talks with a number of UK paper mills in an attempt to to reach a 10% recycling rate by 2008 in the UK. Across the globe, the goal for Tetra Pak is to reach a 25% recycling rate. Read More »Tetra Pak talks about recycling

Can you EPEAT that?

EPEAT can help you identify high performance, environmentally friendly computer equipment via their searchable online database. The database will be available to the public from Monday, 24th July 2006, listing products that meet the tough new green computer standard for… Read More »Can you EPEAT that?